Shorties or Anties
Shortie: A play that is 10 seconds or less.
It's a soft 10 seconds, but shouldn't be much longer. Also, they are often funny and seemingly irrelevant, but they don't have to be. Can be political or serious. A serious Neo-Futurist example:
"Bird Songs of the Future"
Neo's come on-stage and listen to the silence.
Anti: A play that only exists in its title.
What does that mean? It means that the title is read aloud and "NEXT" follows shortly afterwards. Here's an example from the Neo-Futurists:
"My brain in math class."
Quick or Minimal Storytelling
As you think about the examples provided above and read the "Those Who Don't" excerpt, watch the various vines, the opening scene in Gravity, and the Saturn commercial (all examples of quick or minimal storytelling) consider the following questions:
- What needs to happen in short storytelling to be effective?
- What impact does absence have on storytelling?