Relative Experience Plays
Relative Experience Play: A play in which multiple people share something about a relatable (or relative) experience.
Multiple people?
It could be folks from class or members of the audience.
Share something?
Words are great, but it could also be movement or a noise or something else.
Is everything pre-written?
It can be, or it could be on the spot. If you bring someone up from the audience, then it is most definitely on the spot, which adds a bit of risk and liveness to your play, but you could also allow members of your class to share on the spot as well.
How do I get everyone's experience?
The best way to do this is to send out a Google Form. The most important thing you write in a Relative Experience Play is actually the questions you'll be asking. Be specific in your questioning. If you want them to describe it abstractly – ask for it.